Sunday, December 16, 2007

Words DO have power!

I received a fantastic email from a reader and attendee at one of my recent presentations. Her story and moment of "aha" is so familiar to my first, early in my career, and I thought those reading this blog might enjoy it. Thanks Bonny!

Hi Kelley,

I saw you in Red Deer when you were here speaking to the Independent Achievers group. We spoke afterwards about car accidents, pain, numbness etc.

I just finished your book and loved it.

I wanted to share my experience with choosing the words we use. Several years ago I lived in Grande Prairie and was selling real estate. I was feeling overwhelmed, like I was going in circles, and certainly not very productive. One day I had an "aha" moment and realized when someone asked me how I was doing, I consistently responded with "busy, really busy". As a fairly new realtor I felt it was important to let everyone know I was actually doing something. I made a deal with myself, for one month I was not allowed to use the word "busy" as a response to anyone asking how I was doing. I had to replace it with awesome, terrific or some such adjective. At first it was hard and it was kind of comical watching the reactions as that is not what most people are expecting. And then as I got more comfortable with my new words I started adding on "I have so much time" or something like that. It was worth it just for the shock value. And sometimes hard not justify why I had any spare time. After one month I was working less, and through the summer I was taking at least 2 days a week off, I golfed the most that summer I had golfed in the previous 10 years and I was way more productive. I was working much less but making much more. The deals were coming easily and effortlessly, clients were fun to work with.

So thank you for that great reminder. I had forgotten all about that until I read "Words have Power" in your book. There were many of those moments reading your book. I have read all the books you referenced so it was awesome to read the great quotes and bits of those amazing authors combined with your own experiences and stories. It was like a refresher course.

I'm looking forward to starting your 2nd book. And certainly seeing you as a speaker at some great event soon!

Have fun,
