Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to Invest in Canadian Real Estate? Find Out What's Hot and What's Not - AOL's WalletPop Canada

Kelley Keehn Apr 14th 2011 at 3:00PM

Predicting Canada's real estate hot spots over the next 12 months requires some luck and a crystal ball. But real estate expert, Don Campbell, president of the Real Estate Investment Network has a systematic process for determining what markets will likely increase in 18 months to even as long as 10 years down the road.

Read the full article here:

1 comment:

suthap klomrod said...

Have you ever wondered why some investors make over +$100,000 in a single deal and get real estate deals coming to THEM instead of having to chase after them?Many people believe that you have to work hard in order to be successful.But I will tell you that that is only half right... To be honest, I don't work very hard (only part-time and only when I feel like it)but yet I am able to get a lot of profitable real estate deals and make in the top 1% of Canadian household incomes! Years ago, I discovered how to do it from other highly successful real estate investors..By working smart, and not
just work hard.And I have kept this a secret until now... So how exactly do I do it?I am about to reveal to you an industry secret that can easily be your shortcut to your success!
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